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Sunday 14 March 2021

Living Day by Day Helps Us and Teaches us Trust - (4088)

Our common condition as human beings here on the Earth is that our mind makes the experience of our life really hard. 

Our mind projects so many scary things... things that worry us, things that make us frown...

When our mind looks into the future it tends only to see difficulties, and those difficulties make us feel unwell. We feel nervous, anxious and the 'impossible' type of feeling comes over us. We think we won't be able to deal with it or it will so be hard.

The thing is, we really feel and believe that the future will be so difficult... 

We are advised to forget about the future and live day to day, and so we do that for a while, handling each day as it comes. 

Seeing that we can handle each as day, we start to believe that our mind is the one that is not quite right. We have made it through each day so far, and we are fine, despite what our mind has been telling us. 

We start to believe that our mind's projections are the ones that are causing us the trouble, not the future or the day.

Slowly glimpsing this, that our mind is the troublemaker we start to see that a didactic is in place, a certain flow, that our mind does not know about, and that flow has not really harmed us so far. So then a bit of trust in life, in that flow, in the author of that flow begins to grow. We see that we can trust in life, in the Being, in the Divine Law (authors of the flow) a bit more, because we know that that flow and the author of that flow, are not going to harm us.

We can relax a little more, knowing that our mind is not quite right. What it says is not how things will be...

End (4088). 

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