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Saturday 20 March 2021

Tiny Technique to Get out of the Mind - (4093)

A true thing is that most of the time we have our consciousness in our mind. Very rarely are we in a state that we have our consciousness out of our mind.

When the above happens that is pure freedom, magic, light and so many things that we just don’t ordinarily experience.

We can have our consciousness activated but still have it in the mind. That's heaps better than when our consciousness is asleep but it still logically implies some kind of conditioning imposed on our consciousness by our mind.

Anyway what I wanted to post about is something a lot simpler. 

There are some bothersome pesky states where our mind gets so active, for example when we think people are looking at us maybe judging us and we become self-conscious or awkward or restless, or when we get worried about what others are thinking about our gestures and facial expressions when we are talking to them, or we can't forget about ourselves and be natural around others, like when a photo is being taken etc. etc. we all know those bothersome internal states where the mind is just too active.

So the simple thing that works is to notice three or four  things in the environment or in yourself. Really noticing for real, not mechanically, three things in the outside environment works best at first. Really notice and be surpirsed by it and you will see that you are out of your mind. You activated the 'awe' aspect of your consciousness which displaces the mind. 

Give it a try and see if it works for you. For me it works well.

End (4093). 

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