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Saturday 20 March 2021

Humility Essential Value for the Path Posts - (4092)

Absolutely no doubt we need humility for the path, even more than many other values. 

Of course we need trust, hope and faith and the many other values such as patience, persistence, tenacity, yearning etc. However, humility especially in the begining is one that seems to be constantly needed in an all encompassing way, and it is also that which pays very handsomely by opening many doors for us. 

Of course if we don't have transmutation as a value we are going nowhere on the path even if we are very humble. Anyway a real humility at some point would take us to transmutation. As we would recognise that we must handover within us the way we use our sexual energy to our inner Being, taking it from the hands of egoical interests that upon examination appear selfish, mistaken, mechanical - habitual, superficial etc. etc. offering it up to a higher principle of ourselves, which is what humility is most often about. More about that in later posts.

The main two values we really need are humility and transmutation. 

I'm going to publish a few posts this week related to this theme of humility.

For sure its really important to have the right understanding of humility before we start cultivating it. For obvious reasons, being that if we know what humility is we can cultlivate humility and not something else.

The reality of this task is that we can only ever start with an idea of what humility is and as we go along we define, redefine, clarify, hone and refine through our experience and understanding that of what humility really is.

But we have to start somewhere with whatever we have. So in the next post I'll start by giving a list of points on what humility is. Well what I have heard and learnt in my limited experience of what humility is.

End (4092).

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