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Sunday 30 May 2021

A Way to Overcome Mechanical Associations - (4148)

Mechanical associations are very powerful. Sometimes much more powerful thatn we give them credit for. 

Mechanical associatons tend to work at the subconscious level within us. Meaning we are not very aware of them at first.

For example going out to a Chinese restaurant can make us feel uneasy, and we don;t know why for years until one day it clicks, that we have been subconsciously associating Chinese restaurants with the time that we suffered anxiety and could not eat very well, and because of that association we think we are going to feel unwell again as we did back in those times.

We just want to overcome them and get over them as quickly as possible. We can do it by essentially training.


A way, out of the many ways to overcome mechanical associations is to go to that place, do that activity etc. and then do the exact opposite of what the association points us to do.

We have to repeat and repeat doing the opposite for our brain and mind to undo the old association and  finally create a new one.

Another way to is work with the Divine Mother asking her to jhelp undo it and another way is to use our consciousness to make us see and understand over and over again that we are experiencing a new reality that is different and new and not the past.

End (4148).

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