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Sunday 30 May 2021

A Part of Balance in Yourself is to See Your Value - (4147)

I was told something really important today, which is that for any person to ignore their values is not to be in balance. Because balance is to see reality, the unbalanced person does not see reality... The mentally disturbed person hardly sees reality they see things all skewed and out of proportion.  

Obviously when we ignore our values we lower ourselves and that means that we don't act according to the values we have and we agree to things that are below the level of those values or are things that certainly don't enhance those values.

When we wake up a bit and see that we have those values we wish that they be respected right? We give essentially ourselves the right of way to act with those values and that is balance, there is nothing wrong with that because that is acting according to what is real in us. 

It is also not wrong to make others see the values that you have and act by. So they too can value them. Every company usually makes their values known to the world so that people can respect those values and see something worth while in them and decide to do business with them or not.


We may act in such a way in front of others reminding them of the value that we see in ourselves and that we want to keep those values held high.

End (4147).

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