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Tuesday 18 May 2021

Fear Focusses on Loss - (4137)

We think to fear is to love... 

We think that if we don't fear losing something, we don't love that something. What are we afraid of really in losing something?

Living with ourselves not having that thing that we are scared of losing. That is what we are scared of!

We are afraid to face our own selves, to face the suffering that our own selves will generate.

Fear focuses on the loss. It doesn't accomodate the idea that we can have something or enjoy something or love something but not be scared of losing it.

Focussing on the loss of something actually harms that something as well harming the one who also fears the loss of it. Fear can't help but do that...

To fear losing something does not bring you into a good internal state or into being able to act in a way that dignitifes you or puts you at eye to eye level with any others involved.

The paradox is that the absence of this fear brings things that are closer to love, and in turn that brings freedom. Things that are close to love are meant to, well in fact really do bring to all those involved: freedom. And in that freedom the light, the soul, the Spirit can enter... because there is space for them...

End (4137).

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