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Wednesday 19 May 2021

Sphynx Evaluation - (4138)

We can all do an evaluation of the qualities of the Sphynx...

There will always be some qualities that we have more of and some we have less of, no matter what octave we are at...

What we lack though we will notice something very interesting and helpful. That is, what we lack there will be an abundance of examples around us for us to learn from, and many opportunities for us to develop it. 

Maybe even to start with, to learn we need to imitate those examples, that is until we come to understand why it is needed, how best to embody it and how to best apply it. Because for sure we will get it very wrong sometimes when we apply it and sometimes right, until we get the conscious understanding of how to apply it. 

Well its a matter of noticing things, learning and developing them...

How do we develop a virtue or value? First we have to know that we lack it and that it is needed. Then study it and then learn its mindset, that is learn its psychology. True, every value has a psychology, meaning that every value has its own way of thinking and corresponding feeling, just as every ego has its own psychology. 

The psychology of any value or virtue is based in truths, esoteric principles or psychological and physical truths. Which is very different to the ego's psychology.

For example, take the courage of the lion in the Sphynx. What is its psychology? To advance, to try, 'it is better to try than to not try', 'you never know if you don't try', to jump first and conquer as the way to solve an issue rather than run and wait for the storm when the storm could have been prevented. Trust that courage to jump and face problems produces a better result than hiding. Go and get things wrong: 'I'll just pick up the pieces, make corrections and try again'. The heavens are taken by storm.

The lion is also fire. Each element we know has a psychology as well. The psychology of each element is characterised by its particular qualities. Strength, enthusiasm, expansion, transformation, energy, definiteness, mysticism, liberation are the qualities of fire. Courage in many ways takes on board these characteristics.

But we know fire out of control is dangerous, fire always has to be in its place controlled and directed.

The same study can be done with the remaining values of intelligence, mystical yearning and tenacity.

End (4138).

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