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Thursday 3 June 2021

Completely Degenerated Possible to Regenerate - (4151)

I read somewhere in the writings of Paracelsus that a human being can be very degenerated, almost totally dengenerated yet it is still possible for that person to regenerate. Of course it won't be easy and much effort will be needed, but it is possible and is performed all the time. How degenerated in general are we from what we once were in Lemuria?

This is because the essence can never be lost. It can be totally bottled to 100% but thanks to the help of mother nature or the Divine Mother it can be freed and recupĂ©rate it’s original condition. This is because the essence itself is something indestructible.

I think that is really good to know. In fact it is in the teachings of Gnosis where Master Samael says that the demons of today will be the cosmocrators of tomorrow.

However with everything, it has to have its provisos or limitations. What those conditions or limits are, I am not really sure. 

Perhaps if the brain or mind are damaged beyond a certain level of repair then it won't be fully possible. 

There is an anecdote that a Coloumbian couple approached Master Samael and talked to him about their self-realisation, but because they had previously been on drugs (perhaps for a long time - not sure) and because their brain had been ill-affected or left in too a bad condition he told them that they would do their best with new physical bodies. 

But the essence is something like a metal where it can be locked into rock or other compounds and chemicals and substances but given the right conditions and methods it can be extracted as pure and as shiny as before to recuperate its pristine condition.

End (4151).

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