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Thursday 3 June 2021

Right Thinking Right Feeling Right Conduct - (4152)

We know that this is what we must do to avoid creating karma.

We know that this is what we must do to avoid pain and suffering.

We know that this is what we must do to acquire merits.

We don't really know what right thinking, feeling and acting is though...

We only really know what this is when we are in the wrong...

Sometimes our consciousness can see both sides: the wrong and the right and based off of what is in our consciousness already, we know the way. This is not always the case due to our limited consciousness and limited conscious experience.

But when we our consciousness does not know, we only can know when we are in the wrong.

The trick is all about timing! Timing is everything. We have to be quick to notice the wrong and correct it!

Correct it on time!

The trouble is always when we spend too much time in the wrong!

Just like what happened with the Kundabuffer organ. It was not removed on time and because of that costly mistake we all collectively have the ego.

Our Being even applied that to us. He took us out of life just on time or before the time when it may have been too late.

End (4152).

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