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Tuesday 15 June 2021

Forgiveness Notes - (4158)

Foregiveness is a gift that we give to ourselves.

Foregiveness is more for us than the other person. This is so very important to understand.

It is the gift of giving ourselves peace. The gift of closing an issue within ourselves. The gift that allows ourselves to heal. The gift of accepting what was done and giving ourselves the green light to move on...

To forgive is to unburden ourselves. To forgive is to trust in God and in the Divine Law, that if there was something done wrong to us, it will be made right by God and by the Divine Law at the right time.

It is a gift of healing our interior of so much bitterness and allowing an opening for light to enter.

Maybe it was because we did something wrong a long time ago and what happened just recently was a learning for us...It is easier to forgive when it is this way, because that person took the role of helping us to learn.

For the other it is also a gift. It is the gift of a clean slate, a second chance. It could also be the gift of ending much guilt and unrest.

It is a sign of the nobility of the essence to forgive. 

Even we can see the word forgive has 'give' in it, because when we forgive we give something to ourselves and to others.

With each gift we give we also receive.

For each gift that is received, there is the wise or unwise use of that received gift...

The wise use could be where we use the gift of forgiveness from another person as a second chance to not mess up again.

To forgive is to wipe entries away from our psychological accounting book.

It seems that it is more correct that foregivenss comes from our essence and maybe from deeper within ourselves than any ego, because to forgive is not in the interest of many egos.

When we forgive others we can pray that special line of 'Our Father' and receive His blessing, which says that if we forgive others, God - our Being will forgive us.

We too need to be forgiven by our Inner Being...This we ignore...

End (4158).

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