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Tuesday 15 June 2021

Love and Hatred Notes - (4166)


This post is a series of notes about love and hatred. 

When you read all these points please don't think that I am embodying these points of hatred and love. I know about hatred from experience, I know I have certain "I's" of hatred that I am working on and I know like all of us I have love inside but I am far from embodying these points on love. Eventhough I am writing these points from a very imperfect position, they come from the teachings and are valid. I hope that they will resonate with you and be of some help.  

I think the point that: "one gram of love, used wisely and in the right moment allows tonnes of hatred to be dissolved" is the most important point of this whole post.



We may think that we don't hate but when reading these points we may see that on a subtle level there is some work for us to do.

⛒There are certain "I's" of hatred that live in the psyche of human beings. These "I's" are devoted in a focused and deliberate way to the processes of blocking, thwarting, hurting, delaying, resisting etc. Anyway, each person to see what is inside of them and how those psychological elements function.

⛒Hatred makes our inner development difficult. It stops and blocks it. This is because the nature of hatred is not of the Being in us, but of another nature such as of the infernos.

⛒Hatred makes our aura dark. It also aligns us with more negative influences and forces. 

⛒Hatred is very dense and it pulls us down whenever we try to ellevate or lift ourselves up towards our Inner Divinity.

⛒Hatred makes whitening our waters very difficult. The key to whiten the waters is the yearning for the Being and remembering the Being. Hatred takes us away from those two things.

⛒Hatred will not allow us to develop the virtues needed to awaken the sacred fire within us.

⛒Hatred does not allow us to have inner peace and to receive the messages from the superior worlds and our Inner Being. We need peace in our mind to receive the messages from above. Hatred keeps our mind churning in endless cycles of hurt and hurting.

⛒Hatred is very contagious, and often affects others negatively and creates an atmosphere of disharmony.

⛒Hatred does not produce empathy or sincere fraternity. Instead it produces distrust and a bad taste that stays stuck in people's mouths.

⛒Hatred takes us away from the light and the Beings of the light. Because the darkness that hatred generates is incompatible with them.

⛒Hatred does not allow us to be pardoned by our inner Logoic triangle. If we hate, our inner Trinity can not pardon us. Our Kether, our Intimate Christ and our Holy Spirit can not do that for us.

⛒Hatred does not allow us to pray the 'Our Father', and be pardoned as it is written in the "Our Father" prayer. As we can't pardon others whom we hate, how can we be pardoned?

Hatred does not allow us to understand the spiritual teachings nor work towards and make any kind of sacrifice to receive them.

Hatred is a friend of venegence, and through it we can do terrible things and say we did it all in the name of justice, equality, fairness, honour and even love etc. 

Hatred is resentment organised. This is meaningful as it says hatred begins with resentment. This is so important!

Hatred can become a terribly strong infernal force and a powerful bridge to connect to the infernal regions and win the favour of negative entities, and that is no good! This can even happen without us knowing…

Hatred kills love and dissolves marriages and family homes turning the atmosphere into one of tension, in which only worse and worse attitudes develop and fester.

Hatred takes us directly to ingratitude and ingratitude easily leads us into very negative actions, with treason possibly being one of them.

Hatred leads to that which has 'no-reason', that is to that which is a kind of destruction without reason.

Hatred distorts our word and causes us to curse, swear and express very negative things. Which in the end all come against us causing us a lot of embarassment and disgrace.

I have heard it being said that the karma for hatred is blindness or deformity. As hatred deforms what it touches and what comes close to it.

Hatred makes us, once our 108 existences are finished to take up bodies in animals that are very violent and destructive.

Hatred is something that is easily transmitted to others in a mass gathering. Others catch it easily and it turns physical into violence, vandalism, serious injury and police arrests.

Hatred combined with jealousy ends in domestic violence.

Hatred combined with pride ends in treason and is capable of leading a person to betray their guru or spiritual guide.

Hatred combined with envy makes us very cruel and ill-willed towards our fellow man.

Hatred makes us to go far from the Father we have in secret and when the distance from the father is too great, we the son fall into disgrace. 

Hatred often lies to get what it wants.

Hatred ruins the front chakra, in other words it destroys clairvoyance. It does this by introducing a certain poison into our blood stream called Imperil.

more to come tomorrow...



Reading these points may help us to see that we indeed do have love or we may actually lack love. As always, these are interesting points to know ourselves through.

💗Love allows to withstand great ordeals which can take us closer to the realm where our Inner Being dwells.

💗With only a gram of love, used wisely and at the right moment we can dissolve tonnes of hatred.

💗The love we have in our heart allows us to be listened to, helped and rescued by our Intimate Christ.

💗When true repentance has surged forth in us, then the love we have in our heart allows us to be helped and later redeemed. 

💗The love Beelzebub had in his heart for his disciples got him noticed and allowed him to be rescued from the darkness and the destuction he was heading for. His case showed that we need to activate love inside of us to be helped! 

💗Love calls love...

💗Love is fed with love. Love is not fed with hatred! We make that silly mistake all too often, expecting others to love us when we have only dealt them cards of bitter moments.

💗The Love of God is manifested through His Divine wife, the Cosmic Mother. 

💗Love is an energy that belongs to God as Mother and it is a force that is enternal and unlimited.

💗Love gives the beauty with which God as Mother Nature has created the worlds.

💗Conscious love helps us to understand that it - love, is at the base of all the virtues.

💗Love understands, withstands and surrenders for the benefit of all. It is disinterested, does not boast of itself and only wants the happiness of others.

💗Love transforms while hatred deforms. 

more to come tomorrow...

End (4166). 

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