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Monday 5 July 2021

Pride Goes to Many Negative States but this can be Remedied - (4172)

I'm going to post here what I have experienced and what I have been taught. I will let you know which is which.

I was taught that the origin of hatred is pride. It all starts with pride. It goes like this: hurt pride or hurt self-love to resentment to organised resentment to hatred.

My experience is that this is true. My experience is that hurt pride can also lead to many other negative states that come from other egos such as self-importance or self-compassion even fear.

I want to add that from my experience pride produces different lacks within us. Then we feel strongly usually similar to like a need, to fill these lacks. We usually automatically feel we need that lack filled by someone else...

Doing this, that is filling the lack through someone else, is from my experience like selling ourselves cheap. We buy the cheap product instead of working to get a true good quality long lasting product. We get that good quality thing going for us when we work on the pride that got hurt. We have to go all the way back to the pride that got hurt. There's the key. That is what I use and it really works every time for me.

For example someone pointed out that we are not really up to scratch in a certain area and we are not doing well, we are really dreaming. When we don't see this or accept this or go inside and meet the truth of this we will feel a hurt and a lacking and we will look for an apology, love, kindness, support or some kind of compensation from the person who made these remarks or from others.

When we accept that and begin to do something about it we give ourselves the real solution and pride steps back and back and disappears leaving us to feel good again.

End (4172). 

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