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Monday 5 July 2021

Life and the Path don't Understand Each Other - (4169)

The following post is about teh contrast between the path and life. That is really the contrast between the vertical (the path) and the horizontal (life).

This post comes mostly from my expereince nad reflection from my experience. There are also some statements put in that have come from others.

The path and life have differing perspectives on things. To be expected right? Of course. Why? Because both have different ends and natures. This is logical. 

What is right for the path is wrong for life and what is wrong for life is right for the path.

What matters for life doesn't matter for the path. What matters for the path does not matter for life.

Furthermore when trying to marry life and the path, one hits a brick wall. Why? Because both life and the path see things differently.

Why do they see things differently? Because they embody different values.

Different values means different priorities which translates to investing our time and energies into different activities. 

It seems that life and the path can't marry. Because they are too incompatible. Life should marry life and the path should marry the path. 

Life and the path are where? They are in people, no where else. A person with a lot of life should not marry a person with a lot of path, because they will always disagree. The one of teh path has to become more life or the one of more life has to become more path otherwise never ending disagreement.

Life and the path can be balanced instead of marrying or uniting. Balancing them is the key. We can only ever the path one and then walk the balance within the chosen option of the path. 

We are taught in fact that one choses the path and has life inside the path. To chose life and fit the path into our life we are taught does not allow one to live the path, which is the only way the path is to be walked - by living it. The path is our life Master Samael says.

The path we are taught is walked by living it! Rather than by living life and fitting the path into life -  like a hobby or a pass time or as one would go to the gym. This is becasue the values of the path have to integrate into the person and once integrated they are in you they are a part of your life. We can't say I'm just going to put aside the path and be an animal and then put the path back in again. That's not living the path. The path will leave us if we do that, because we left it, and there is no space for it to come into us again. We have to wait and work to create that space again.

We are taught one lives the path or not. We are taught that there is not a horizontal path, that is an esoteric horizontal whichis really life with a flavour of the esoteric or spiritual, but a dedicated vertical path (the path) that incorporates our life.

End (4169). 

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