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Sunday 4 July 2021

Real Value is Outside Duality - (4181)

I understand now more than ever, that any real value that anyone has, is really real when it helps them in the circumstances that are 'against' them.

I think that any value that we really possess shines in us when our own egos, people and circumstances are against us.

We can take any value and see the above point. We can take respect as an example.


It can often be that we may respect someone, but then later we don't respect them or we lose respect for them. What happens with us in such cases?

It could be that the person was behaving in a way that we liked and the person did all that we expected of them. But then they did something that we didn't agree with and the respect started to go or went.

Examples like this show us that we didn't really possess respect unconditionally or outside of relativity. We only had respect as a result of our conditions being met. So we had respect relatively or conditionally.

To possess something conditionally or relatively is not really to possess something. When it is this way concerning a value I think that we do not possess the value, the value is not yet a part of our soul. It is only a feature of our egoic structure. Because any ego comes and goes, our relative use of the value comes and goes also with the ego.

When for example we have respect we keep it no matter what happens. The line of respect may lower somewhat that is quite normal in difficult circumstances but it won't be thrown down to the ground. Or if it ever is thrown down to the ground, we end up really hurting our essence because the essence knows full well that it willingly compromised one of its own values, which is a part of itself. When we have conditional egoic respect we do not care at all about throwing respect to the floor. we even feel justified to do this.

Even if the person has done something that we consider really bad to us, if we have real respect we will still keep respect. There will always be something that we can respect in another person. The more ignorant of ourselves we are the less we find to respect others. 

To respect is to have found things of value within us. Which is a kind of an awakening. When we find things of value in ourselves we know straight away that others have the same things of value within them, they have to as fundamentally they are different to us, so we respect them. 

If someone does something and we feel we lose respect for them there is much from the past that we can respect about them. Their human beingness their Monad, their human rights, their life, their free will, their silence, their sufferings etc. are all things that we can respect.  

End (4181).

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