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Sunday 4 July 2021

Gymnasium Notes - (4182)

Just some notes here that I have been going over lately to help myself. They may also be helpful to you... Most of it is my experience and the rest is what I have been taught.

By gymnasium I mean a psychological gymnasium. There are two gymnasiums in the world: physical and psychological.

Both in essence have the same goal. Which is to provide a scenario where we can train ourselves to make ourselves: stronger, quicker, fitter, more skilful, more aware, less identified, wiser, more attentive, stronger in self-remembering, more essence and less personality, more tolerant, etc. etc. the list goes on and on. 

A gymnasium is a set of circumstances, that are difficult and challenging for us to master. Key words are difficult and challenging for us, because they may not be difficult for others. The key is 'for us', as the gymnasium is very particular, even for each person who may be involved in the gymnasium's events and circumstances. 

Master Samael says that the difficult circumstances are the ones that offer us the best. The question for us here is, do we accept that statement? We often really rebel against it...

No doubt we need psychological courage to accept a gymnasium.

None the less we only need it at the start, because when we are in a gymnasium we are in it and the fear of it has gone. 

A gymnasium appears when we are ready.

A gymnasium repeats and repeats until we fulfil the secret reason of the gymnasium. Which could be to learn a lesson, to overcome a defect, to understand something, to change, to develop a different attitude etc.

The Being, the Law send us a gymnasium. I say this because there are two types of gymnasium. One that we chose and even set up voluntarily for ourselves and one that just falls on top of us. Of the one that just falls on top of us there is one that is very karmic and one that is a mixture of Being and Karma.

A gymnasium is to learn quite a few things or one very important thing.

Tests, karma and a gymnasium are all different...  

In practice we should try to make good use of the gymnasium to learn quickly and put into practice what we have learnt. This makes the gymnasium pass a lot quicker and for circumstances to change.

We have to at times, really meditate on the circumstances that have unfolded in any gymnasium to work out what we really need to work on and change within us.

When we learn the lesson, make the change, accept the invitation to rise to a new internal state the gymnasium ends or decreases.

When a gymnasium is karmic it never really ends, it waxes and wanes like the moon until the karmic debt is paid.

We may not really learn or work on ourselves until we find ourselves in a gymnasium.

The good work that we do on ourselves can reach into the future and erase the need for any future gymnasiums.

The Typhon Baphomet can also intervene in any kind of gymnasium. As we are taught that the Typhon Baphomet is our particular psychological trainer. We are taught when the Typhon Baphomet intervenes a special kind of flavour is added to the gymnasium.

Tests and a gymnasium are different. Karma and a test are also different. Karma for one goes on for much longer. A test is much shorter in duration. Tests and karma can be mixed quite often.

End (4182).

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