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Thursday 14 October 2021

A Worthy Meditation - Explore the Perspective of Seeing Others as a Monad - (4250)

Absolutely a very worthy meditation or exploration to do.

To see in all aspects of life what that means to see others as a Monad... That is the exploration to be done in meditation.

This is I feel so very important for relationships in general and especially in the esoteric studies and work,

I believe it to be so powerful that it can quash protests, complaints and problems in us and in others on the spot.

How do I see others, especially those very close to me? As a human personality or as a Monad. Remembering to ignore the spiritual reality of a perosn is to be ignorant of the full reality of the person, and therefore because we ignore reality, we are alseep.

Being asleep brings accidents, miscommunications, dramas, difficulties, problems, clashes, pendulum swings, tragedies even...

End (4250).

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