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Thursday 14 October 2021

See the Monad - You are not Mine - (4249)

To see people as being a Monad, a divine being translates into so so many perspectives in all the areas of life.

All of these translations are found in each moment of life, when one truly sees others as a Monad first with a physical vehicle.

Just one of the thousands of implications is that no one person can ever be ours. The person or people we have in front of us belong to their Monad. They are certainly never ours to do with what we please or wish or think is best.

You who are reading this belong to your immortal and Divine Being!!!

When we understand that we can only feel grateful that they are in front of us becasue they are there by virtue of the will of their Monad and we can only ever respect that and them and we know too that they are always free (we can not chain the Spirit) and they can go at any time - so we better behave to the ethical standards of that Monad we have in front of us if we want them to be around for longer.

End (4249).

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