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Thursday 21 October 2021

Because I'm Superior what I think and Feel is Appropiate? - (4255)

This is a strong belief that we may carry in our psyche.

A belief that we truly believe in and act upon. But when we see it written down like this outside of ourselves right in front of us we don't fully believe that it is right.

Of course to anyone with a normal, sane and semi-balanced mind that statement or belief really, is not quite right. 

We are not superior. We have to work that out for ourselves. But I’ll explain a bit. Globally we are not superior. There is always someone above us. Superior is only a judgement we make in our mind. That is all it is. At one moment in a particular occasion we may run 100m faster than another, you ran it in 12 seconds and they ran it in 12.5 seconds. That's the real reality: 12 and 12.5 seconds, two numbers side by side. Then the mind steps in and says 12 seconds is superior to 12.5 seconds. No mind, no thought, then no superior or inferior. Then no upset and sadness nor happiness for that matter. Just what is.

Please note, all judgements are always made relative to a reference point. Like fast is good. Maybe for someone slower is good.

To judge ourselves superior or inferior is not reality, it is our own mind working and our mind using a reference point. So when we judge ourselves superior, we have to ask what reference point are we using. An objective one? Or another inner belief of our mind such as because I am Australian or American or European or have read or suffered a lot. Such reference points are subjective. Anyway it is always mostly a subjective reference point that our mi d used to judge us superior or inferior, just another inner belief that has not been questioned.

So if we are superior based on a erroneous judgement how can what we feel or think always be appropiate? It just can't be. But because we believe in that so strongly we really get upset when it is pointed out that what we are thinking or feeling is not appropiate. 

In conclusion, if we drop this belief we can experience more inner peace and in so doing we become more conscious because we are more real.

End (4255).

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