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Thursday 21 October 2021

Separate from Pain - (4254)

It is hard to do. But even doing it for a few seconds helps. Even if it is hard we can still do it for a short or long time. We just need to remember to do it. It is good to be reminded and to remind others who are willing to hear this. 

This teaching or key applies to both separation from physical and emotional pain. It works for both pains.

Why it is so hard is because we first of all believe the following things:

1.) We are the pain.

2.) It is too hard to separate from the pain.

3.) We need the pain. 

4.) We like the pain - in the case of emotional pain that is.

5.) We feel a bit special with the pain.

6.) The pain is getting us attention and concessions that we normally don't get.

7.) Separating the pain makes the pain worse.

I’ll leave it to anyone who reads this to find it out for themselves if any of these points are false or an avoidance of the truth. 

All I'm going to say is that separating from pain is defintely a conscious effort and does require energy, and that it hurts but when we do it we do feel a relief. The more we identify with pain the weaker we get physically, psychologically and esoterically but even though to separate from pain hurts and relieves at the same time, we overall save energy and are not so depleted at the end. 

This is really worth reflecting on because we at some point will feel pain again. And when we do, we will be better prepared to go through it more consciously and therefore transform it better and to a greater degree. Which is to get more from it. 

End (4254).

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