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Thursday 14 October 2021

Physical: Money Low and Frequent Police Sightings - (4248)

So its said that the external is a reflection of the internal. I have always been very flexible in this point. I found that to take this too seriously is to get unbalanced and unbalanced quickly. 

People who see symbols everywhere become weird and people think that they are a bit silly. Also they themselves create so many bottles for their mind and consciousness. 

It is a truth yes, and for issues or points of gravity it does hold true. Of the several points of gravity where this does hold true in our life are from my expereince our bank account and the physical law.

I have noticed that when my bank account is low I am lacking merit and there is an urgency to do something, and fast, to earn more merit. Give more, practice more, sacrifice more...

When we see police cars, police patrols, police stations, police badges etc. much more frequently than normal it is usually a notification to our consciousness that we are not relating so well with the Cosmic law and we need to modify things to come back inline.

The Being, nature, the masters who in the superior worlds all try to send us messages, sometimes through such physical means.

End (4248).

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