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Saturday 25 December 2021

Overcomming the Law of the Pendulum - (4310)

Our work can become pendular. It is good to check this because a pendular work is one that does not move forward very far. 

There are at least three scenarios where the law of the pendulum functions and each scenario has a different remedy.

The changing opposites of life is what really make us to suffer. That is the pendulum. This is why we work to free ourselves from the pendulum because it is duality and duality is suffering. 

External Passive

This is where we receive the opposites in the different circumstances. A person is happy and upset with us, we succeed and we fail, things work out well, things don't work out, pleasant event, unpleasant event and so on.

The remedy is to not be in any of these two opposites. That is to not get identified.


This happens when we over give or under give. We may exaggerate something and because we gave surpassing our capacity we can not hold this up and so we get tired and swing the pendulum to the other side and do very little or nothing.

The remedy is to give smaller consistent amounts that is well within our capacity.

Internal Active

This is where we can be pendular in our practices. We practice one day and not the next. This is because of our emotions we feel like practicing one day and the next day we don't feel like practicing. Why because we identify with those inner emotions.

The remedy is then to not identify with what the different people inside of us say and feel.

General Remedy

The way I see things is that the pendulum is a major source of our sufferings. In other words duality. To surpass duality we need to be based or sitting firmly in something beyond duality. Which is in a value of the consciousness that breathes life independent of duality. 

If we suffer in relationships it is because we don't love with our consciousness. We love with something else. We love with some element that is identified with one side of duality. Identified to a degree that we believe that love only exists in one side of duality - the happy and good side. But really in truth the love of the consciousness loves beyond duality. When we are anchored in that love which is beyond duality we are at peace in our relationships.

End (4210).

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