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Sunday 26 December 2021

Transcend Objections Importance Of - (4309)

Master Samael said in the "Law of the Pendulum" lecture that human being object to so many things. 

He also said that the concepts expressed by the personality are fully subject to the law of the pendulum. Which is very true because at time the personality is ok with something and a year later it is ok with the very opposite.

The key to staying in the magic circle is to not object.  When we object we push the pendulum. When we object we are not accepting reality. To accept reality is to be in balance and to be in balance is to be in the centre of the magic circle.

When we object we oppose reality. We object to others and ourselves. 

Our outward objections make us a nuisance to others and our inner objections break our continuity of purposes and inner peace...

End (4309).

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