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Wednesday 12 January 2022

Forcing the Will of Others: Notes - (4316)

A post on some notes to do with forcing the will of others.


We do this without knowing most of the time…

We do it always in the name of something we feel is superior. We have to take note here that 'superior' is totally relative. It is not Absolute. The Absolute would be to consult the Being of the person to see if what we are imposing is right - but we don't do that.

We feel justified in doing it. We think we are doing a good thing. Who are we doing a good thing by actually? It is often ourselves - by our mental patterns - but we don't see that.

If we force someone using spiritual logic yet if what they are doing is not causing anyone nor themselves harm we are in fact in the wrong! We are breaking a Law. We are disrespecting the will of a human being which can go as far as disrespecting the Divine Will of a Monad. 

The awakened masters don't force the will of anyone. They suggest, inform, explain but leave the decision in your hands.

It is our right to follow our will. We have the right to chose and if we make mistakes we will have to face the consequences.

God allows us to follow our will for good or for bad, God just leaves us to be accountable before the cosmic balance which determines the results of our actions.

Why shouldn't we emulate the Absolute in that way?

We should not let our will be forced when:

    It stops a value of our essence that we have from expressing. Therefore weakening it.

    It is our right and what our will wants is not in excess nor harmful.

    It will end up in us doing the wrong thing.

    It is against love.

    It is unbalanced.

    It is hurtful to others.

    It will get us into trouble or bring negative consequences.

    It is against our nature. 

    It is absurd. That is, it just doesn't make sense.

    It is just an extension of the person forcing their will from their personality or egos upon us.

To force the will of others makes us dense and heavy and fills our atmosphere with heavy atoms that make our personality very defensive and strong, which counts as a weakness.

We pay dearly for forcing the will of others. The consequence is that our will be forced in many ways that cause us pain. Which makes us to remember how in the past we forced the will of many others ruining the precious values of their essence and therefore weakening their Being.

Esoterically to force the will of another human being is black. If we do it magically there we have the very definition of black magic. Which is to use magical forces to get results in matter that are not in accordance with Divine Will or Law (Justice). 

When we force the will of others we feed them a kind of food that sometimes can be digested by them and most often actually it can't be. As with all food that can't be digested it is later thrown up. We can't really win forcing the will of others. They will spit it back at us later on because they just can't digest it because their system does not agree with it or it comes against us in the form of karma.

End (4316).

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