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Wednesday 12 January 2022

Men Generally Advance in the Path Quicker than Women? - (4317)

Who knows why really, this post just offers some ideas as to why.

It does not have to be this way, that men advance quicker. It is only the observations of couples on the path, that show this.

The common sense thing is without taking into account karma is that whoever works most and better advances quicker.

Men have a great opportunity to work. Women provide men with intense psychological gymnasiums and if the man takes that to really die in himself, it is clear that the he will advance. But he may not work and the gymnasium only makes his egos stronger and so he does not advance. But if he takes advantage he can really advance his mystical death forward in leaps.

Men also provide women of course with intense psychological gymnasiums, also if they take full advantage they will fly also. Perhaps because their time is taken up with many other necessary chores and tasks which don't allow them to work as deeply and for as long as they need or want.

Both man and woman of course can work equally in the Alchemy. When it comes to the third factor men typically take on the heavier responsibility in the sacrifice for humanity giving lectures and helping others. Of course women support men in this (but not always needed), but the more esoterically difficult work, that is being an esoteric guide, is done by the man. But women also do that (give talks) and for sure in those cases where the man is passive the woman is more advanced.

End (4317).

1 comment:

  1. Which kind of wisdom is developed when you are incarnated in a male body vs a female one? Obviously we've been in different existences as both. What is the objective of being male or female?
