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Sunday 16 January 2022

Learn Lessons Quickly - (4320)


If in a gymnasium, learn the lessons and establish them quickly to dissolve the gymnasium and move to the next.

Learn and Establish

Eat in moderation meaning explicitly avoid eating excessively. Principal action involved: detach from seeing good morsels of food go to waste when one has already eaten sufficiently.

Control anger, do not allow oneself to express bursts of angry discontent or frustration. They are very contagious that mostly always escalates situations. A small disagreement with an angry outburst ends in near divorce. Without the angry outburst that is all it remains: a disagreement about a small issue or event of life.

Self-compassion. Dissolve the many tactics of wanting to affect others favourably by signs of being hurt etc., wanting caring attention. Don't stay in 'hit down low' mode or useless 'poor me' mode, get up and fight: speak, think, organise and level the scales and go from there: work things out. 

Responsibility. Take it in all areas. What is one's responsibility take it. For the decisions made and actions taken.

Focus. Principally wok with alertness and will to keep the many superficial things of the mind unexpressed by giving them no time. Focus intensely on the moment. 

Don't be controlled. Dissolve the fear that allows oneself to be controlled. Principal cause is the lack of trust in the love of others. The truth is, if there is love it will return to us.

Find one's Being by finding the consciousness and see from the consciousness how to think, feel and act.

Don't Lie. Dissolve fear as the principal cause of lies.

Communicate often. Consider others and stay in the well experienced truth that communicating improves, repairs, builds and maintains all relationships in the going well status. Allows many difficulties to be avoided and worked out without much pain.

Communicate timely. Principal cause is fear and self-compassion not wanting conflict. Stay in the truth that early communication always allows time and space to fix nearly everything before it is too late. Late communication or no communication always causes strong conflict more than early communication would have.

Look after one's spine adopting an upright posture. Work on laziness as the cause and use imagination to see energy flowing better in the body. Use this to displace tiredness and indolence.

Go inside listening actively to the class. Write down revelations from the consciousness. Avoid writing down what is already known.

Speak naturally with heart on all occasions. This extends to tone and rhythm. Avoiding being too humble or arrogant.

Do one's esoteric practices during the day and night with purpose and consistency.

Don't push the pendulum in any area. Control personality by making it passive to not push the pendulum. Control greed in several areas as this is the main protagonist in pushing the emotional pendulum. 

Don't feel guilty saying good night. We'll see all people tomorrow or again soon.

End (4320).

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