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Thursday 13 January 2022

Spirit of the Third Factor is Sacrifice NOT CONVENIENCE - (4319)

The third factor is not about selfishness or convenience. 

The spirit of the third factor is sacrifice. Because in sacrifice is heart and love. In sacrifice is the payment, is the force that moves.

In convenience there is no love nor heart nor any force that moves.

Every man and his dog in this life does what is convenient for them physically.

What is convenient for the Being in us is not what is always convenient for us physically.

Was it physically convenient for Jesus to have himself nailed to the cross? Which he did really for us by the will of His Father.

The convenient person is also very materialistic. Because they do not see the invisible accumulation of the result of sacrifice.

The Instinctive animal nature of the feminine is against sacrifice. Because as mother which is part of the femininize instinct she has to do what is physically convenient to save energies and resources for her offspring. However the woman working has to be aware of this strong influence from their instinctive nature and counter act it for the work.

The masculine instinctive does not have this so sacrifices are easier, their animal nature in some ways allows for it. 

The work for the Being is not an individual work it is a collective work, because through the us the Absolute is realising Itself. It is really the work of the Absolute and the Absolute includes everyone.

End (4319).

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