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Sunday 27 March 2022

Notes Personal - (4374)

There is no memory in the Being but comprehension instead.

Don't be scared of the gymnasium. Our gymnasiums have been programmed already because through them the Being in us will acquire what It lacks in quality. There are many gymnasiums after this one which will seem impossible or ones where we think that we won't survive.

There is always ever present that element of 'no time' in our work. Sometimes it is more present and some times it is less present. In any case when there is 'no time' we need to work fast - change quickly.

We are tied to our Guru for future times and missions.

Seek to please the Spirit in us. Not any ego or any person or group.

Be strong in matter and strong in the Spirit. Be strong in matter by being first strong in the spirit.

Bring one's force to complement one's wisdom. One's wisdom needs force to make it manifest. The wisdom of a person or of a Monad wants to be useful by manifesting through actions. 

Dignity begins here in human life. Then as the human dignity builds it touches the dignity of the inner Divinity and builds upon that.

Dignity is quiet in front of offence but pride takes offence and is very vocal in attack.

We marry the essence of another person not their egos.

We can deal directly with the Monad of a person asking the Monad of the other person for their co-operation. Even to the point of defining the Monad for its co-operation.

There are in relationships at times a 'take it or leave it' deal.

The Guru is a clear channel of help from one's very own Being.

To be strong in matter is to see the other as an essence and a Monad and then to work for that essence.

If we do something that favours the the essence of the Being and if it is done with dignity we won't get things wrong and the Being will support us. 

Win the support of the Being in us with right action, right thinking and right feeling.

We need at the end of the day to succeed in the various gymnasiums of the path.

We at times have to work the passive to become active. Convert the passive part that conceeds into initiaitive and leadership. Others and ourselves may have to at other times work the active to become nuetral passive. Convert the part that controls and commands to be accepting, flexible and agreeable.

In front of life and others it is correct to be as Master Samael was - firm and strong because he had the knowledge and the doctrine behind him.

A key is to see others as an essence and do what is right for their essences which is not to feed any ego or the personality but to teach the essence. 

End (4374).

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