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Monday 28 March 2022

About and to do with Debts - (4375)


This post is a reflection on the psychology in and behind debts.

Kinds of Debts

We have several kinds of debts I find upon reflection. I'm sure you will have seen that too.

We have debts with nature, debts with people and debts with ourselves. It is similar to the types of pain. There is the pain that we cause nature, pain that we cause others and pain that we cause to ourselves.

The debts that we have with nature, people and ourselves can be further classified into being either: physical, psychological and esoteric. Physical debts with people is something quite broad, and can include debts in the fields of money, services, favours, objects, trades, barters, recommendations, etc.  

Debts whether they are physical, psychological or esoteric are real and have their weight.


Debts are justice or balance restored in potential. However while a debt is running unpaid it is injustice riding on good will with the promise that the debt one day soon will be cancelled and justice restored.

A debt is a difference. A difference between what was received and what was given back in return. If what was given back matches in value with what was received there is no debt. 

Psychology of

There is much psychology in this subject of debts. There is psychology both sides where those sides are when we create debts that we have to pay and when we are owed and we have to deal with that situation of waiting to be compensated.

In essence, debts are to do with the cosmic Laws of reciprocity and compensation.

To not know we have just gotten ourselves a debt or are accruing debt is a type of ignorance. Either the type of ignorance where we ignore that on purpose or based on some kind of flawed thinking, or we are just not aware.

The action of accruing debts and not willing to want to compensate or pay them is an action of the defect of pride. The pride that feels itself above the Law and feeling that somehow it can be exempt and abiding by the law is for others who are less of course.

To feel not accountable to the laws of reciprocity and compensation is another feeling of pride.

The Law is more powerful than our pride. It at any point makes us humble before its rigour and if pride resists, pride's own pain humbles itself - well eventually...

At the core of the above statements is the feeling that we are better than the Law or that we can somehow circumvent the Law by virtue of being better or just being who we are. 

Why do we feel that we can circumvent the Law? Because we are good looking... Right? What I mean with that answer is that the reasons for we feel that we can circumvent the Law are delusional. Unfortunately we believe those reasons and believing makes us to act as if we are above the law and can disregard it.  

We can think like this for our whole life. Only when we have learnt a lot through suffering is that we see our errors or when we come to the esoteric teachings and act in the same way and suffer is when we look up for answers and we find that we can't be this way anymore.. 

End (4375).

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