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Saturday 19 March 2022

Personality Foundations and Ingredients - (4358)


The personality has two types of foundations. They are physical and psychological foundations.

The physical foundations are all things like: where we live, what car we drive, how we dress, what we eat, where we work, what we live in: house, boat, car, van, apartment, tent etc. Basically all that is tangible and physical makes up the physical foundation of our personality, even such things as the people in our immediate and extended family, also our pets if we have any.

The psychological foundations are the attachments to the ways of thining and feeling that come from our culture, our customs (country, religion, family), our traditions and our education...

The following types of factors influence the formation of our personality considerably.

1.) Paratype - influences from our environment.

2.) Genotype - influences of family, includes our genes etc.

3.) Phenotype - influences from physical characterisitics

Time and Space

Time and Space are the two major conditioners of the personality. The "persoanlity is the daughter of time".  It is born in time and dies in time. It has to be this way as each time and place has its particular values. 

The influences from the time in which we are born and live and the country in which we are born and live form our human personality, all because the country and time in which we live has its morals, laws, rules, codes of conduct, fashion and values.


The ingredients of our personality are the different "I's" that we have. In some way our personality is in the hands of the different "I's" that we have.

Our personality has certain characteristics and they are given to us by the influence of our five centres.

Formation and General Properties

What is at the centre of our personality's formation is the concern of how others perceive us. Using this principle we go about mostly semi-consciously and subconsciosuly forming our personality.

We form our personality based on a lot of imitation.

The nature of our personality is that it is changeable, relative and adaptable. It has to be that way becasue as the times change in society (technology) - values change and our personality has to adapt to these changes.

When our personality is strong it is difficult to adpat to the changing times. Such as in older people who have by having lived a long time without changes have solidified somewhat their personality. 

End (4358). 

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