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Sunday 20 March 2022

Restaurants, Clubs, Pubs - Heavy Because of the Psychological Dimension - (4356)

What really makes these places heavy? It is as I perceive it, the psychological dimension of the people who are present at any given moment, plus that of what has happened there in the past.

As we well know such places are not only used to eat, drink or dance. They are used mostly for other purposes which are very egocial in nature. Even though cafe's are used for other purposes (meeting, talking, relaxing, working, 'zoning out', reading, observing, etc.) than to drink coffee, they are not so heavy because those other purposes are not so heavily egocial in nature in comparison to pubs, clubs and some restaurants.

This other use pertains to the 'subconscious'. The subconscious by nature is not light.

Places that are used to just buy something - step in and step out, and that something is for example food and drink, those places are not so heavy. Because the psychological dimension is neutral - just taking care of a natural life maintaining physical need.

In the esoteric dimension of pubs, clubs and some restaurants we infer that there is mostly the elements of recurrence and karma. Making those places to be something like karmic agencies, because they in some way facilitate the fulfillment of recurrences and karma.

In their esoteric dimension there is little or no spiritual element because they are not used for purposes of the spirit - after all they are not a temple. That is what makes a building a temple because it is used for spiritual purposes.

In time such places as all places do - become magnetized with energies that are frequently present inside of them. In the cases of temples, those buildings become magnetized with higher energies and forces and in the case of pubs, clubs and some restaurants they become magnetized with heavier forces and energies.

Even though these three examples were used - the principles or knowledge expressed here can be used to understand how the atmosphere of certain places is the way it is. Even our house and a given room in our house.

End (4356).

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