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Monday 21 March 2022

Some Notes on the Tritocosmos - (4360)

Tritocosmos does not belong to the third dimension. It can not be seen from within the third dimension. No telescope or drilling/tunneling machine will see it or reach it. Whereas the Microcosmos,  Macrocosmos, Duetrocosmos, Mesocosmos, and Ayocosmos can all be seen from within the third dimension.

There are mind you always doors between dimensions and there exist in this three dimensional world doors through which one can enter the fourth dimension and from there enter the superior or inferior dimensions of the planet.

The Tritocosmos pertains to the fourth dimension, but the inferior side of it. The fourth dimension is time. 

It is real and does exist within us and also outside of us.

Within the Tritocosmos there is the process of regression in time. It is also related to memory. Within the Tritocosmos is where is the essence processes its involution. That is its backwards evolution. 

To ascend we need to descend. The Tritocosmos is the workshop of the Cosmos the place where we descend to be able to ascend. The Tritocosmos is the place where worlds, Gods and men are all gestated says Master Samael.

The work of the dissolution of the ego is carried out in the Tritocosmos and the work of building the solar bodies is also carried out in the Tritocosmos.

To descend without falling. There is a difference between the two. Once again the factor of time is very important in not converting a descent into a fall. 

The Tritocosmos is an inversion of the tree of Life. It is an inverted mirror image of the heavens. Where there are the same number of Sephiroth but inverted in attributes. 

If we are honest we actually live most of the time in our abyss and connected to the abyss of nature. 

In fact the abyss of nature is filled with actions and vibrations that all come from what happens here physically. The abyss is made here physically in Malkuth.

Ideas and impulses can actually ascend from the abyss and influence people here in physical life just as the ideas and forces descend from the heavens to us here.

All what we find in the Tritocosmos are ways that have lead human beings away from their interior Divinity. Therefore a study of the abyss is a profound risk and danger study so to avoid future danger and risks.

Tritocosmos is a strange name. It takes it name from the Greek, where in Greek mythology lived the son of Poseidon Triton who lived under the ocean floor close to Hades - who was the God of the underworld. Proto as in Protocosmos we know means 'first'.

When we die physically we gravitate to our major degree of density. If we have mostly vibrated with a particular ego in life we will follow that ego and go where it goes. Because the ego is very heavy it sinks into the Tritocosmos and so we follow it there.

The Tritocosmos is the place designated by Divine Intelligence as to where the inverted aspects of Divinity are to reside and the waste of the planet and cosmos is to be placed. The intelligence of the Creator foresaw that there will be a need for s recycle depot.

The Tritocosmos is a work of the creator, it belongs to creation and has a vital part of creation. It is a work of love of the Father. Through because of it the essences that become trapped in so many conditionings are freed and returned to their pristine condition.

End (4360).

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