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Sunday 3 April 2022

Introductory Notes on Individuality - (4378)

The top part of this topic is sacred individuality. There are really a few different types of individuality.

There are always degrees and degrees of everything. Things are worked out in octaves and octaves. Very few things are like a switch where one day there is nothing and the next day it is all there. There are some things though that are like that but not always. There is always usually some kind of process behind every thing that we develop in the work on ourselves.

So we need to start now working on our sacred individuality. At our level we can certainly do something towards it.

We can say that sacred individuality is achieved totally when there are no "I's". Sacred individuality begins to be achieved in the esoteric sense when we have fabricated the psychological moon. A significant level of development of the sacred individuality is when we have fabricated the golden embryo. In the normal sense of life we are individuals when we think and decide for ourselves and do things only because it makes sense to us to do them etc. etc.

It is also something needed for a successful relationship. 

To blend so much into become half of another person is not individuality and this does not at all make for a useful or successful relationship.

Both in a couple must be 1 (i.e. individual), because a true relationships is between two. So two full 1's are needed to make 2. Or we could see it this way that if we are only half of what we really are because we have blended ourselves too much with the other person, when we relate we are half times a half which makes a quarter. Because relationships are always an operation of multiplication not addition. When we relate we cross which is the mathematical operation of to multiply. Two people being less than what they really are makes for their relationship to be less than whole. Thus so many problems.

So for any true relationship to be true and to work it must be between two individuals. Relationships get better and better the greater the degree of sacred individuality has been achieved.

Being an individual is being what you are and holding onto what is yours. Which means living out and speaking out one's truth and not negotiating on what is truly ours.

What is truly ours? Our thoughts, our point of view, our feelings, our merit and dharma, our relationships, what we have honestly worked for, our consciousness, the values of our essence, our essence, of course our egos too...

Individuality starts in the psychological when we can separate from the ego. Being able to separate from fear is a big big part of that work.

To be continued...

End (4378).

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