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Saturday 2 April 2022

Esoteric Vestment Notes - (4377)


This post is a collection of short notes all to do with the topic of Esoteric Vestments.


Related to the temples, the inner Being, the consciousness, the essence...

Respresents merit, a degree of consciousness, a certain fabrication or result, a degree of realisation...

For example the white vestment represents chastity and chastity is a state of liberation from lust and a degree of crystallization of transmutation in the physical and internal bodies. The same thing with the purple vestment or tunic which is for those who have finished the great work, signifying liberation from karma and the myself (ego). 

The yellow vestment or tunic of the Buddha represents a degree of liberation from the mind. 

A body is nothing more than a vestment. A vestment is something decorates the essence. Therefore that which decorates the essence has to match the quality and qualities of the essence that it decorates.

Each internal body represents a degree of realization and therefore a degree of liberation at the same time. as realization and liberation go hand in hand.

A body such as the astral body as a vestment is a vehicle of life and manifestation in a dimension. In other words vestments allow a kind of vibratory affinity with other dimensions and invoke the manifestation of other dimensions in the dimension in which they are worn/used. 

Vestments serve as a kind of talisman. That is vestments made out of certain materials and of certain designs and certain colours draw and attract certain currents and forces in creation.

Vestments have particular functions. Vestments of different types are worn for different purposes and activities. Only certain vestments can be used for particular activities. Just like certain clothes are best worn for certain jobs or activities. Like a wetsuit is best worn going scuba diving or surfing.

We through the work on ourselves make our own inner vestments and then make them to shine. Which means to fabricate the solar bodies (superior existential bodies of the Being) and then to die in the egos which inhabit them making them to shine because the consciousness now more freely inhabits them. 

A vestment is intimately related to a temple. In a temple is where, more than anywhere else people and Beings wear a vestment. Why? Because a body which is a vestment is also a temple. Our body is the temple of our inner Divinity.   

The function of a vestment could be to invoke a certain force, or to eclipse an ego in us or eclipse the personality and bring out the essence in us. That is make us to vibrate more with the essence or a determined force or current. Esoteric vestments cause us or rather help us to vibrate with esoteric forces and currents.

Some temples hold vestments as sacred relics. Officiating in temples can not be done without a vestment or tunic of some kind. Vestments distinguish the esoteric from the activities of mundane life.

Everyone's inner Being has their particular vestment. Master Samael knew the vestments that the Inner Being of his students back in those times was wearing.

The vestment of anyone's inner Being expresses the mysteries of that Being and the ray as well as the degree of realisation that the inner Being has attained.

Vestments are a work of art. They belong to the column and ray of art. Each vestment tells a story.   

A part of knowing our inner being is to be able to see Its vestment.

Specific vestments are needed to enter certain temples. 

Vestments are also a sign of identification, they lend to being an expression of identity. Life knows about this quality as the many uniforms, and typical work wear indicate a specific identity. Fashion is a degeneration of this.

There is the tunic of the Divine Mother which is sky blue in colour and has twelve buttons representing the 12 signs of the zodiac which are the product of her gestation.

Vestaments worn by people become magnetised to them after a while and that magnetism contains their yearnings, their concentration and many of their internal states are imprinted onto it. After a while it becomes something esoterically personal as it has been used only while taking part in esoteric activities. Once a certain magnetisation has occurred such a vestment can not be transferred to others and it is best burnt if the vestment is abandoned.    

Vestments give those who wear them an: identity, role and function. 

Golden vestments are worn by those who have the bodies of gold.

The Typhon Baphomet of each one of us wins the right to wear the tunic of glory once he is freed from his role at the end of the second mountain.

Vestments are also related to the kundalini. As each kundalini serpent has its particular coloured vestment.

There is also the cape of wisdom, which one earns in the path...

The angels of death have their vestments as kind of a identification and work wear.

The symbols on vestments basically show the history (founding values) and particular characteristics of the temple.  


End (4377).

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