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Wednesday 18 May 2022

Active Listening - (4418)

Many things in us, the teachings tell us, need to become active. Especially our consciousness. 

One of the things that I see in my life that needs to become active - is listening. There is something actually called active listening. 

It is where we listen to understand. That is we hear and then we process it on the spot and repeat it back to the speaker if we can, so to check that we have understood.

So during a Gnostic class we would go inside and find inside of us what is being said. Or if we are listening to someone speak, to make sure within ourselves that we have understood what was spoken. 

We all know pretty well, if we have understood something or not. Sometimes things we hear are crazy but we should ask for confirmation and that is the best thing to do, because it is not good for our mind to be left with crazy impressions. Because the mind then builds upon those crazy things which leads us to create new egos and develop strange attitudes. 

End (4418).

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