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Tuesday 17 May 2022

"Listening" Fundamental to All - (4417)

Listening is more important than we think...

We find so many things to work on as to why we are poor listeners...

We can avoid so many problems and conflicts if we know how to listen. 

To hear what is being said with our consciousness, puts what others are saying into perspective, it balances what they say, transforms the harsh impressions and actually hears what is being said. It is not impressed by the strong way in which the words we heard were spoken etc. Which is important because then we can actually hear and apprehend the correct meaning of what was said.

We often listen to our projections or concepts of the other person and we remember not was said but the interpretations of the impressions we received...

One obstacle to listening is the active personality that replies and answers back and can't for a second stand the heat of not letting the other person know the truth or how they are also wrong.

It is also no good to not answer when we know that something is wrong or not correct.

The active personality we are told is not a very esoteric way of behaving. It is the common way of a low level of Being... and a strong pride.

A good listener is also quite an intelligent person. Because the good listener will be able to read into the psychological dimension of the person speaking and know how to answer or how to help solve the issues in the way in which the other person will appreciate.

End (4417). 

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