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Thursday 5 May 2022

Alchemy Psychological and Esoteric Notes - (4405)

This is a short collection of notes related to some of the simple psychological and esoteric aspects of Alchemy.

This is not to put a damper on anything... We see a couple who have just married and how happy we feel for them because they now have the means to awaken the spiritual fire of the Divine Mother in them and walk the initiatic path... Then the couple themselves feel so hopeful and full of enthusiasm but little do they know what they are going to face...Themselves...

The above are really romantic notions of the Alchemy that can be the reality but are not always the reality...

It may well be that a couple after marrying are doing spiritually worse than before their wedding day. That behind the beautiful appearances the practice of the Alchemy is not going too well or even their relationship may not be going too well. All because of not being really psychologically ready for the practice of Alchemy. 

To actually handle or wield the power of the Alchemy a very strong esoteric and psychological foundation is needed... That is why in ancient Egypt the Alchemy was given to those who had already spent seven working to awaken their consciousness.

One needs a centre of gravity in the work on themselves to be able to practice the Alchemy and sustain the after effects. The sustaining is all about correctly directing and taking advantage of the revolution that it provokes inside of the person. An unstable psychology only gets worse with the practice of the Alchemy.

Normal or infra sex does not provoke any revolution inside a person because the energy is lost. The energy being kept and transmuted is directed within where it opens up many channels in our brain, energises our subconscious and connects to our inner Divinity. The energy wishes to purify us and flow through us and so what is of blockage - our subconscious - has to be moved.  

The practice of alchemy is not just for the sexual centre. It is a tremendous practice for the five centres of the human machine and of course for the consciousness. 

It is to connect, transmute, pray, die and awaken yet to do that much is needed... And yet it is not just that... 

Not everyone has problems in practicing the Alchemy and we should not project our problems onto others either.

The Monads and the other higher forces govern the practice of Alchemy. Sometimes it works and happens and sometimes not. But in life one seems to be able to control their sexuality as desired, every weekend the Don Juan's and female Don Juan equivalents go out for their adventures... The Alchemy is not at all like that... A higher power has an intervention in it. 

People who practice the Alchemy know that it opens up the subconscious with an intensity not known to them before. Almost with a force greater than themselves and with a force that operating deeply within the subconscious dredging and bringing up all kinds of issues, resistance, problems that tend to intelligently conspire against one to not be able to practice the Alchemy again.

It is after all the descent into the ninth sphere which is the very bottom of the abyss. We think romantically how lovely the alchemy is and it certainly has its aspects of beauty but it is not that. It is to find ourselves and face ourselves. Actually the abyss of ourselves. That is what we find first of all and that is where we need to work and that is what we need to transform so as to get light.

We transmute in the Alchemy and the Typhon wants that transmuted force back and He gets it back....How many disagreements ensue after the Alchemy. One almost thinks for a while it is better not to practice Alchemy so as to enjoy a more peaceful life. And I am sure many people have settled into not practicing to enjoy the peace... But yet their Monads are put on hold... 

It is to work with the chaos and draw order from the powerful chaos to create our inner genesis. All of creation is so rich with intense life. Just look at the oceans and jungles how intensely alive they all are. The work in the Alchemy is not called the work in the forge of Vulcan for nothing... How a vulcano is so chaotically powerful in nature is how the sexual force is and how the transmuted energy works in our interior fueling the forces of revolution or purification and creation within us...  

One learns to know that the practice of alchemy can not be planned or scheduled. In the morning as soon as one talks about it and thinks about practicing it that night - the door is open to so many means of sabotage and resistance. It is better in practice to forget about it and then just do it when the assigned time comes.

The work of the Alchemy is for the Monads and the cause of the Monads transcends the issues of mind, ego and personality. How I have heard some marvelous cases of people not caving into the resistance from unresolved personal issues and upset egos and then overcoming themselves and practicing the Alchemy for the benefit of each other's Monads. Well that's love for the Being and it does not correspond to the silly romantic idea.

So many times how curious it is that a disagreement breaks out just before Alchemy can be practiced...

How the emotions affect the sexual centre...

A good level of practice is say three times a week for a normal decent duration. A duration in which the three obligatory steps of Alchemy can be practiced: transmutation, mystical death and the awakening of the Kundalini. 

Master Samael said that the duration and frequency of the Alchemy practice really all depends on the nature of each person and each person will work that out in accordance with their nature as to what is best in that regard.

The axiom of one practice every twenty four hours is very usual and correct. It gives one a discipline and an order in life and towards the practice. 

If one was ok in the practice of normal or infra sex it does not mean that one can handle the Alchemy or practice it well.

To practice the Alchemy one needs to have power over their own sexuality. In normal sex or infrasex one does not posses their sexuality. It is in the hands of many outside factors that are removed in the alchemy leaving the person without sexual force or means to activate or manage their sexual energy.

Alchemy is much more than magnetism, connecting, vulnerability and intimacy etc. etc. It transcends those things and its full power is spiritual in the high spheres of the Monad of each person.

The magnetic pause exists. It is where the energy is needed to replenish and the magnetism to build up. One naturally feels the pause working and when it starts and finishes. The body gives all the indications needed.

End (4405).

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