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Thursday 5 May 2022

Loyalty and Merits of the Heart for the Path - (4401)

What we need is merits of the heart for the path.

Many ways do we earn the merits of the heart. They are the merit we get when we give of our heart.

Working and doing from the heart opens the heart of others and allows to win or enter the heart of others.

No doubt this how a leader wins the heart of the people. This is how a master wins the heart of his or her disciples and vice versa.

The heart operating makes courage, trust, love, conviction, strength, loyalty all shine and that goes directly to the heart of others. 

Often to be honest the effort of the heart breaks the balance in the positive way and breaking the balance for a transcendent cause, causes a superior law to enter into action and then the merits of the heart can be  accumulated. 

Balance in the thrid factor would be to give talks to people including the public and students who have been studying Gnosis for a while already for three hours then draw the line. Then go and meditiate or practice Alchemy etc. But when we go with love in our heart and break that balance and work in the third factor for five houras sacrificing for others we enable a suerior hidden law which then earns us merit of the heart, which is gold.

Loyalty in common life does not pay off too much. Being loyal to one's self pays more. For example at work these days people are not loyal to a company they quit and go with who ever offers the best pay or work conditions nad staying loyal to a company that pays less does not get one's mortage paid so we have to go with the better offer. This way of thinking on the path does not allow one to win merit quickly...  

In the path being loyal to your guide, teacher, instructor or missionary offers much more merit of the heart then following what people do in life which would be to change teachers, instuctor for another apparently better one. They have actually activated the merits of the heart because they put loyalty and service above factors such as ambition, impatience and selfishness. Which is already a huge win for the path.    

Through loyalty one gets all that one yearns for in time. It falls onto one. Because loyalty activates the heart and is the merit of the heart which is a high currency to pay for spiritual things. Loyalty often implies much sacrifice because for loyalty one sacrifice many desires which can be right or within our rights.

Loyalty and service go together. Jesus said that the greatest person is the one who serves the most.

End (4401).

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