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Tuesday 10 May 2022

Many Types of Fornication - (4402)

The word fornicator comes from the word 'forni" which means 'to burn'. So the verb fornicating is about burning something out.

Which is what a person does to their sexual energies when they lose their energy. They are 'burning out' their energy. However there are many ways of burning up our energies. We have seven kinds of energy and if we waste any one of those seven types of energy we are in effect fornicating. 

Burning out our energies refers to unwisely using our energy. Equivalent to wasting energies or giving away our energies for a 'zero' cause or a cause of destructive, inferior value.

Word (breath), imagination (mind) are intimately linked to the sexual energy. So burning out the energy of the mind and the energy of speaking we also burn out the creative sexual energy.

I would like to say in this post that there is fornication to do with our word and fornication to do with our mind and there are also other types of fornication. In the excerpt below Master Samael gives us the formula.

Master Samael says that a fornicator is one who allows him or herself to be governed by the psyche of others. This can be done in so many areas of life. Master Samael is so right, the result of fornicating is always doing something against ourselves. Mainly where we burn out our own energies.

This speaks volumes. A centre of gravity is needed to prevent this type of fornication.

We can not lose our sexual energy but we can be terrible fornicators with our word and mind.

When we fornicate with our mind we lose a lot power in our mind. As a result we can't focus and its hard to retain things, we forget nearly everything and don't listen too well. 

We fornicate so easily in our mind when we think and think about things way past the due amount of time and practicality (way out of proportion). When we fantasise we fornicate mentally. When we speak too much and tell others too many things or share too many things about our inner psychological processes, or share things that have so no use to the other person other than satisfying their curiosity or ill-will we are fornicating with our word.

A hermetic flask is always needed. Creation develops only within a hermetic flask. That is why the sexual energy is not lost. Our inner life and work is destroyed or weakened terribly when we speak about it too much. Because we lose energy doing so and then because we spoke about it too much others attack and criticize us causing us to have to answer their criticism, attacks and questions and explain and so we lose sight of our goal and end up fornicating mentally thinking about how to solve problems we stupidly create and how we are going explain things and we can't help but lose our work completely.

Formication always brings negativity and problems to us. No matter who you are or where you are. It is a scientific law that it brings to us by magnetism and reciprocity more things of its same nature - which means more time and energy wasting. When we lose time and energy negativity enters into us and negativity only brings negativity. Losing energy means also losing will and then consciousness leaving with only ego.

End (4402).

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