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Monday 9 May 2022

Suffering Paradox - (4409)

Being stuck in suffering takes us down. Whereas sacrificing suffering takes us up.

Stuck in suffering makes our consciousness sleep. Whereas sacrificing it wakes us up. 

To be stuck in suffering is a decision of the sleeping consciousness. To sacrifice suffering is a decision of the consciousness waking up.

Continuing to feel pain inevitably takes us down. Whereas transforming pain takes us up.

Loving our suffering (psychological pain) in the many ways that we do - closes the exit door. Wanting light instead of suffering opens the exit door. 

Saying I can't stop the suffering keep us away from the solution. Saying I can get free of it gets us to the solution.

The sign of pain signals its time to work...Pain alerts us that we are falling asleep or have fallen asleep...

Pain invites us to wake up. 

Avoiding the pain and going into compensation takes us down...Whereas facing the pain, accepting it and transforming it take us up some levels of consciousness and that heals us.

Because of pain we make many mistakes which then take us down...

Down there is full of pain and darkness...Whereas up there is full of light and joyful feeling...

Pain or suffering is the way down and used wisest wisely it helps to take us up.

If we use pain as our navigator we won't get things wrong. Where we see pain we steer clear. Where we feel pain - we work and transform and where we remember pain we don't repeat in the present or future.

If we see pain on the horizon change course now. If we see pain when looking back, forget it to not affect us now, but learn from it to not let happen as it did before and pay the debt to ourselves or others from the past.

Conclusion: just sacrifice suffering and we will get the light and joyful feeling which is what we all want!

End (4409).

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