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Monday 13 June 2022

Fixing Egos is not Dissolving Egos - (4459)

We can spend so much time 'trying to fix' things. Then a week later or less what was apparently 'fixed' comes undone again. 

We say things like: “But it was 'fixed'? I thought it was? What's going going on now - I really thought it was fixed?”.

Then we re-fix things and it later comes undone again and we can live just like that in a cycle or pendulum of fixing to fixed to broken to disparo to fixing to fixed to broken and so on and do on…

We live in this cycle until one day we see that ‘things’ are not ever really fixed because 'fixing things' is not dissolving the egos that are behind the issues and problems that we are trying to always fix.

If we are to dissolve the egos behind the issues, conflicts and dramas then we can sleep soundly at night that things will remain ‘fixed’.

We can't 'fix' egos we dissolve them….

 We painfully learn that issues and problems are really fixed by dissolving the egos involved. 

Gnosis was always right. After all…

End (4459).

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