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Wednesday 15 June 2022

Centre of Gravity in Mind Pros and Cons - (4460)

Everything has its pros and its cons, and that changes from which point of view you look at it from. But still everything has its pros and cons...

Say if we are to look at this question of the centre of gravity in the mind from the point of view of the work we see that its pros are that we will read and study all of the doctrine. Understanding it is another matter but we would have read it all and have put it into our intellect. Which is a big help.

The cons are that the mind will by default take the lead. It will via its patterns, concepts and logic block and take the place of the consciousness and because of the belief, trust and pride that has grown for the mind over the years it will be the one turned to instead of the heart (where also the consciousness and the Being in us is). The heart will be seen often as inefficient, unpractical and a little naïve or even a bit silly and childish.

There are many cultures in the world that in general have their centre of gravity in the mind...

It is difficult for such people to experience the 'real' or the esoteric unless they use drugs or something out of the ordinary happens to them. Because the mind always blocks the unfolding of any esoteric experience. Also being always in the mind one is never so happy and so no wonder why there is so much drug use in the western countries, which are all efforts to get out of the mind to experience 'happier' emotions, using something external to turn off their mind, instead of going to and cultivating the heart. 

End (4460).

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