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Thursday 16 June 2022

Slow Car in Front Message - (4461)

Many times when I am in a hurry there is always a slow moving car in front of me and the traffic or the roads are such that I just have to drive behind it - sometimes for a good part of the journey.

Being in a hurry with the desire to avoid a certain outcome, frustration begins to build and anger appears and then anger brings its particular antics - which are good to see so as to know and then take to dissolution. Much of those antics are absurd, totally out of character and not needed... Anyway...

We understand too, that behind anger is a desire and the desire comes from another ego. The desire of the other ego must be worked on also. The desire could come from pride, self-compassion and so on. When we are comfortable about dealing with the consequences of being late anger does not appear in this situation.

But what I want to post about is - how a slow car magically appears and how to transform that to take good advantage of it.

Normally we see the slow car as a misfortune, a curse and an obstacle to be gotten rid of...

But really in truth it is a message and a help. 

The truth is we are in the wrong state and something is helping us to get into the right state. 

Even if we are late being in the wrong state makes it so much harder to deal with anything. Being late but in the right state we can deal with anything a lot better. Remember what Master Samael said that the best weapon in life is the correct internal state.

With the slow car we have to use it to stop, to relax to remember our Being and our consciousness and take a few moments refuge inside of ourselves and recover our inner path and work.

The slow car could also be a blessing - helping us to avoid an accident. 

Write more soon...

End (4461).

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