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Monday 18 July 2022

Different Angle Transmutation Notes - (4486)

This post is about some notes to do with the sexual energy and the transmutation of the energy - hoping to depart from a angle not often taken in previous posts.

The sexual energy liberates or enslaves. In spiritual endeavours the sexual energy is used to liberate.

The sexual energy in the spiritual field has three general uses. One is the transmutation of the raw sexual energy which extracts the metallic soul of the sexual energy, Two, building the solar bodies and three, eliminating the psychological defects.

The sexual energy enters into the psychological and spiritual/esoteric fields. Therefore the sexual energy is a psychological energy and also a spiritual energy.

It is a part of ourselves. It is also a part of love. In fact it is the roots of love.

Because it is a part of ourselves we find ourselves with some kind of relationships to it. We all relate to it. Well, poorly or somewhere in between... But of course it is good for our self-knowledge where we are at.

Within the psychological sphere of relating to it we see so much...

In relations we see ethics... There exists an ethical conduct towards the sexual energy. Awareness of this question of ethics related to the sexual energy arises once we study sexuality and spirituality together. Before that moment ethics and sexual energy don't rhyme. 

In general respect is always shown in a consistent line of behaviour as is love etc. If we love someone we don't love them one day and then then hate them the next. At some point we have to define ourselves in relation to such values of love and respect. we can't be on the fence forever... In the end we fall off the fence and neither respect nor love...

So we loving and respecting the sexual energy means to relate towards it in one way...

Sexual energy produces the battle of spiritual definition within us. Black, grey or white...

The sexes also battle...Sexual energy is dynamic and wishes to expand, almost like conquer according to its nature... We derive much benefit by turning its focus and direction of flow inward where it advances and conquers inwardly.


Love is like a tree, with the roots being the sexual energy.

More later on...

End (4486).

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