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Saturday 23 July 2022

Minor Initiations Notes - (4484)

What is the best preparation one can find for the path? The minor initiations.

The purpose of the minor initiations is to prepare the candidate for the path.

This implies several points. Here is a list of points.

The minor initaitions make the candidate a 'person for the path'. Not a 'person for life'. 

The minor initiations reduce our animal nature and bring out more of the real human nature in us.

They teach and work to instill in the person the values and principles that are needed for the path.

They also help to prepare the person for the particular way the Monad of the person wishes to walk the path. 

They bring out the weaknesses that must be overcome so that the path in the future will be successful.

They educate the person about the nature of the path. They serve to transfer one's centre of gravity from life to the work, path and Inner Being.

They prepare the person to understand why the practice of Alchemy and to be 'path hardy' ready and fit to face the trials and ordeals of the path in general and the way in which the Inner Being wants to live it.

They intensely assist in trasnferring one's points of reference from the personality to teh work, the path and the Inner Being.

Through the unfoldment of generally difficult circumstances they teach one how to go to one's consciousness and to the work and how to consistently rely on the inner world (consciousness, Being, Masters of the White Lodge) to solve our problems and difficultites.

They assist in clearing much karma. The karma that must be cleared to relatively more free to walk the path.

The minor initiations are very particular and depend entirely on the weaknesses and karma that each person has.

In conclusion, in the realest way possible to prepare ourselves for the path we must seek teh minor initiations.

End (4484).

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