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Monday 15 August 2022

Don't Crush Others - (4508)

Please don't ruin others. Correct them and help them to be better for their sake - working with them to the extent that they want to be helped. And extending it as they receive the help and change. If they don't accept the help then accept them and be happy with them until other consequences unfold...

To say in absolute terms that there is no hope and can't this and can't that is to act towards failing a person. 

Such impressions in a way forces people to transform those impressions by bringing out the force of their essence and Being to throw aside that crushing force and stand up against those impressions and inwardly rebel by not believing the implications that the mind creates based on those impressions. Such impressions can have a positive result of bringing our a person strength, though the norm is that people react with anger or self-pity or hopelessness. 

Because any kind of absolute is a strong impression, it also just depends who issues the impression. If it is a person of important status and standing, the force of such impressions can be too much and the person falls deeply into self-pity or self-consideration and lays ruined for a while.

I think it is best to educate and give hope towards the possibility of change.

End (4508).

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