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Monday 15 August 2022

Stop Time - (4505)

To put it simply, there is objective and subjective time. Objective time is the clock ticking, seconds and minutes passing - the sun rising and the sun setting. Subjective time is our sense of time. Where time seems to pass quickly or time seems to pass slowly and this sense of time is different for each individual.

We really recuperate psychologically when we are able to 'stop time'. That is stop our subjective time, stop our sense of time.

We often stop our sense of subjective time when we pray, when we meditate or when we just go to a cafe', a park, the ocean, relax our centres and reflect or read simply something of a nature that we intuitively feel will help us inwardly - spiritually, an 'EL' for example. 

People seek to 'stop time' and they do this by watching TV, reading, playing games etc. But for people trying to awaken, this is not a useful way to do it. But much better at times then other things...

When we activate our consciousness we 'stop time'. When we are in the present moment we 'stop time'. When we are in deep prayer we 'stop time'. 

The precious thing about 'stopping time' like this is when we do it we recuperate psychologically and also at the level of our essence. The tiredness of the essence goes and we are recharged ready to fight onwards in our awakening and our psychological work.

End (4505).

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