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Wednesday 10 August 2022

Lessons of Boundaries - (4500)

There are basically two lessons that I think everyone learns from boundaries.

One is that we learn to create some boundaries and to do that we have to learn to say 'no', 'stop', 'I need to rest', 'I need to get back to work' etc. while setting boundaries. These boundaries are to allow ourselves to do the things that we need to do and if we don't do them things in our life run out of control.

Then there is the lesson where we need to learn how to surpass our 'natural' boundaries which are often put in place by our selfishness, pride, laziness etc.

We need both lessons to be complete. Some people are very good at the 'no' boundaries and others are really good at surpassing the boundaries of their comfort zones to help others for example. Some people are good at both but this is quite rare. Though we have to become that rare species - which is what Jesus, Master Samael and so many others showed us in many ways that they had incarnated both lessons. 

At the end of the day both lessons are to say 'yes'. Read on...

We learn both lessons when we have defined ourselves to work for our inner Beings. Because to say 'no' to life setting boundaries is to say 'yes' to the work, the path and the Inner Being.

End (4500).

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