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Tuesday 9 August 2022

Sexuality As Value - (4499)

Sexuality is certainly not just the sexual act. It is the quality of interaction throughout both day and night between both man and woman, others and also humanity.

The sexual act is the result of sexuality, in other words it is consummation of sexuality.

In general, depending on the quality of sexuality throughout the day is whether the sexual act can take place. In some couples, the Alchemy is difficult because the sexual act that takes place in Alchemy can not happen because the value of sexuality is to poor to allow the sexual connection to be made.

Arguing, disputes, protests, laziness, negligence etc. etc. are not factors which enhance the value of  sexuality, as we can all understand.

The value of sexuality contains so many values, and all of these values are put together under the umbrella of sexuality. Honesty, co-operation, respect, balance in general, balance between masculine and feminine, love, respect for the orbits in which the masculine and feminine characteristics and functions operate, a certain good-will, sincerity etc. 

Imagine sexuality as a building that is held up by all several columns - like the Greek temples and each column is a value which makes up sexuality.

So many egos ruin these mini column values which then collapse the structure of the value of sexuality and then the Alchemy can not really be practiced.

The opposite of lust is sacred sexuality. The value behind lust is sexuality and sexuality permeates so much of our lives.

End (4499). 

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