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Saturday 13 August 2022

Outsmart Karma - (4504)

Separate from the karma for a second and fight it with the values. This is to outsmart karma and this is also to apply justice. 

Justice m.m.m teaches, is not the exchange of pain - but the bringing of a value to compensate the debt. The bringing of the value does not cause more pain and does not perpetuate the pain cycle. Karma keeps the pain cycle going until the karma is mechanically paid. Sometimes it is not paid because more and more gets added on top with each exchange until things just crumble. So we have to voluntarily make it to stop. When we bring the value we make it to stop.

Karma in some cases is a powerful force of disharmony. An idea causes so much reaction that dispute, argument carries on in different houses for days afterwards.

The way to outsmart it is to not go with the disputes, fights and arguments but bring the values and fight hard by bringing the values very intensely within oneself. This is the peaceful or inner warrior way to fight.

If it be patience - bring to yourself patience and 'endurance power' to withstand difficulties like you never have before. If it be tolerance bring 'tolerance power' like you never have before or if it be hope and trust bring those beautiful values to yourself and inside yourself like you never have before or like you have done in the past when things were really tough.

This is a way to outsmart and fight karma. We can't force others to fight this way but we can sure as hell fight this way ourselves.

Remembering at first fighting this way seemingly makes things worse but soon enough the values in action work make things better for yourself and then others.

End (4504).

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