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Friday 12 August 2022

Path Shoes of Others - (4503)

If we are to put ourselves in the shoes of others whom we know have walked or are walking the path, we feel that we could not have gone through what they went through, and maybe they would not like to have gone through what we have gone through or we are going through...

The conclusion here is that the path of everyone is made in such a way that it gives the Real Being of everyone the right circumstances to work and develop in, so to acquire what the Real Being is looking for.

I imagine if the Real Being wants certain rare qualities that are normally acquired with some difficulty, then the essence will have to pass through those type of difficult circumstances needed to acquire those qualities.

Our Real Being and the Divine Law give us also the strength that we need to pass through the circumstances that we must pass through.

The circumstances of each one's path belongs to the karma and mystery of the path of everyone. The answer to why these circumstances and not others is in the Real Being of each one of us.

Our job is to accept this and work with this and appreciate the circumstances of the path of others and be happy to learn from what they share about their learnings from the way they have done or are doing their path. 

End (4503). 

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